Unicycle Participation Agreement

Last updated January 23, 2025


This Agreement for participation in Unicycle Festival is made by and between Yellow Bicycle Company and the Producer (see Definitions).


Registration is subject to approval by YBC. If the registration is not approved, the prospective Producer will be notified promptly, the card will not be charged, and this Agreement will be deemed null and void.


When registering, the Producer selects a group of three showtimes, subject to availability. If no showtimes are available, the Producer may request to be placed on the waiting list by emailing hello@yellowbicycle.com.

The showtimes consist of one weeknight (Mon-Thu 7-8 pm or 8:30 – 9:30 pm), one weekend night (Fri-Sun 7-8 pm or 8:30 – 9:30 pm) and one matinee (Sat-Sun 2 pm, 3:30 pm or 5 pm). The times are grouped within a few days of each other to encourage out-of-town productions. The groups are:

  1. Thu Apr 3 at 7 pm, Fri Apr 4 at 8:30 pm, Sat Apr 5 at 2 pm
  2. Thu Apr 3 at 8:30 pm, Fri Apr 4 at 7 pm, Sat Apr 5 at 3:30 pm
  3. Sat Apr 5 at 8:30 pm, Sun Apr 6 at 3:30 pm, Mon Apr 7 at 7 pm
  4. Sat Apr 5 at 7:00 pm, Sun Apr 6 at 5:00 pm, Mon Apr 7 at 8:30 pm
  5. Sat Apr 5 at 5:00 pm, Sun Apr 6 at 7 pm, Tue Apr 8 at 7 pm
  6. Sun Apr 6 at 2 pm, Sun Apr 6 at 8:30 pm, Tue Apr 8 at 8:30 pm
  7. Wed Apr 9 at 7 pm, Fri Apr 11 at 7 pm, Sat Apr 12 at 5 pm
  8. Wed Apr 9 at 8:30 pm, Fri Apr 11 at 8:30 pm, Sat Apr 12 at 3:30 pm
  9. Thu Apr 10 at 7 pm, Sat Apr 12 at 2 pm, Sat Apr 12 at 8:30 pm
  10. Thu Apr 10 at 8:30 pm, Sat Apr 12 at 7 pm, Sun Apr 13 at 2 pm

Loading Times

15 minutes of loading time is allowed at the start and end of each showtime, e.g. 6:45 pm to 7 load-in and 8 to 8:15 load-out for a 7-8 pm show.

Rehearsal Times

Registration includes 4 hours of off-peak rehearsal time for tech and dress. Off-peak times are:

  • Mon – Wed 9 am – 11 pm
  • Thu & Fri 9 am – 5 pm
  • Sat & Sun 9 am – 1 pm

This time must be booked on the Rentals page using coupon code UNIPRO100 and is subject to availability. Additional off-peak rehearsal time may be booked at a 30% discount on the Rentals page using coupon code UNIPRO30.


The 3 performances times and 4 hours of rehearsal time include free use of all equipment, including lights, sound, mics, projector and camera. Equipment used during additional rehearsal time is billed at the rates listed in the Rental Agreement at a 30% discount.


Storage is very limited at the theater. For that reason, the Producer is asked to provide an accurate description of any set pieces, props, and costumes when registering.

Tech Operator

YBC does not provide a Tech Operator for shows. When registering, the Producer chooses between running tech on YBC‘s Mac, having the performer run tech with YBC’s iPad, or hiring a tech operator. In the latter case, YBC will provide a list of contacts, and the Producer must negotiate the terms and reach an agreement with a Tech Operator.

Live Streaming

All performances will be live-streamed to an unlisted YouTube link on YBC’s YouTube account. Tickets containing links to all three performances of each show will be sold on YBC’s website for $10. The Producer will be given the show links and the ticket link, but only the latter should be shared, so as not to impact ticket sales. The videos will remain online for restreaming through April 30th.


The Producer also has the option to record shows while live-streaming. The file must be copied from the desktop of the Mac to the Producer‘s USB drive or external hard drive on the day of the performance, as afterwards it may be deleted to free up storage.e

YBC Tickets

For each performance, YBC will offer 30 $20 tickets and an unlimited number of $10 live-stream tickets on its website. A Stripe credit card fee and applicable tax is added to the purchase (Philadelphia’s 5% amusement tax for regular tickets and 8% sales tax for live-stream tickets). The Producer receives $18 for each regular ticket and $9 for each live-stream ticket. One week after the festival ends, YBC will send the Producer a check or Zelle payment for the balance due. The Producer will be asked to provide a W9 prior to payment.

Theatre Week Tickets

Participation in Philly Theatre Week requires offering a minimum of 10 Pay What You Can tickets per performance through Theatre Philadelphia. The Producer will receive payment for those tickets once YBC receives payment from Theatre Philadelphia. YBC will not charge a commission for this service.

    Front of House

    YBC will provide someone to run front of house (FOH) for each performance. In-person tickets may be purchased in the lobby with cash or credit card (Square reader). FOH tasks include:

    • Printing and checking the will-call list from Theatre Week
    • Selling concessions for YBC
    • Providing programs to each patron
    • Opening the house when prompted by the Producer

    Printing & Graphics

    YBC will provide the Producer with a template for programs. The template is text-only, apart from small logos for the theater and festival. Graphics may not be added, other than a small logo for the Producer‘s company. YBC will print the programs prior to each show and give them to Front of House for distribution.

    YBC will also print two 11×17 color posters for the Producer‘s show based on a design provided by the Producer (JPEG, 3300 x 5100 pixels). One poster will be placed on the outdoor A-frame on performance dates. The other will hang in the lobby throughout the festival.

    In addition, the Producer agrees to provide:

    • A 16×9 graphic for the Cycletron (JPEG, 3840 x 2160 pixels)
    • A square graphic for the website (JPEG, 1080 x 1080 pixels, see examples)
    • Between three and five 16×9 photographs of the show for the press release and website (JPEG, 3840 x 2160 pixels)

    Additional Publicity

    YBC will also publicize the Producer‘s show as follows:

    • Producer‘s 16×9 graphic looped before and during the festival on the Cycletron, YBT’s 130″ outdoor screen facing Love Park.
    • 3 Instagram posts or stories on @yellowbicycletheater using Producer‘s square graphic and other content
    • Inclusion in festival press releases sent to local newspapers, theater blogs and radio/TV stations
    • Show listing at yellowbicycle.com/unicycle and in an email blast to newsletter subscribers


    The Producer‘s show is automatically eligible for two awards:

    • The Audience Choice Award, voted on by audience members using a link/QR code in the program
    • The Golden Unicycle, voted on by a three-member jury (composition to be announced prior to festival)

    Winners will receive a physical plaque and digital laurels, a dedicated Instagram post announcing the awards, and listing at the top of the festival archive page for that year. The awards ceremony and after party will be a Pay What You Can event on the Philly Theatre Week website.


    Prior to the first rehearsal, YBC will text the Producer a 6-digit access code for the digital Lockbox. The code is unique to the Producer. It may be shared with others, but the Producer remains solely liable for any damages that may result (see Liability). When entering or exiting the Venue outside of showtimes, the Producer agrees to ensure that the Lockbox and entry door are closed and locked.

    Entry & Departure

    To prevent disruptions, the Renter agrees not to enter the Venue prior to the load-in or rehearsal period unless otherwise arranged and to depart the Venue on time, leaving it in the condition it was in upon entry, returning furniture, curtains, equipment, etc. to their initial positions and taking any personal property, trash, and other items that were not present in the venue upon entry, unless otherwise arranged.

    Prohibited Activities

    The following are prohibited at the Venue:

    • Open flames
    • Smoking and vaping
    • Alcohol consumption, unless otherwise arranged
    • Illegal drug consumption
    • Nudity, unless otherwise arranged
    • Sexual acts
    • Stunts, unless otherwise arranged
    • Unauthorized use of copyrighted material


    The Producer accepts full liability for any physical damages and/or legal actions that YBC may incur as a consequence of the Producer‘s actions or the actions of any of the Producer‘s guests while renting the Venue, and agrees to indemnify and hold YBC harmless against any and all legal actions which may arise from the Producer‘s use of the venue.

    Withdrawal & Refund

    If the Producer withdraws from the festival after registering, a refund is only possible if someone on the waiting list agrees to take the Producer‘s place or if a suitable replacement is found. A withdrawal notice should be sent immediately to hello@yellowbicycle.com.

    Terms of Use and Privacy Policy

    In accepting this Agreement, the Renter acknowledges having read and accepted the Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy.

    Applicable Law

    This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Pennsylvania.



    Agreement: Legally binding agreement for participation in Unicycle Festival.

    Lockbox: Populife lockbox located on the Venue‘s door handle. Also known as the Bike Lock.

    Mac: A Mac Mini M2 located in the tech booth and equipped with QLab 5 Free Edition, OBS Studio and shortcuts for activating and deactivating equipment.

    iPad: An iPad Mini 4 with QLab Remote

    Producer: A registered producer of a show in Unicycle Festival.

    Tech Operator: A person trained to run tech for a show.

    Venue: Yellow Bicycle Theater, located at 1435 Arch St. Fl. 2, Philadelphia, PA 19102 and operated by YBC.

    YBC: Yellow Bicycle Company, a limited liability company under Pennsylvania law.